First Annual
Kiwanis - Gillespie
Charity Golf Tournament
Friday, October 28, 2011
Serenoa Golf Club
11:30 AM - 12:45 PM Registration and Practice Range
1:00 PM Shotgun Start
5:30 - 7:00 PM Dinner Buffet, Prizes and Open Bar
Prizes Awarded for: 1st team, 2nd team, 3rd team, longest drive men, longest drive women, closest to the pin, straightest drive
Event Sponsorship $2,500: Signage on course and dining room (banners provided by sponsors) • Recognition on web & promo spots • Eight playing spots and practice balls • Eight buffet
Hole Sponsorship $100: Name/display opportunity at hole
For more information regarding Sponsorship: Contact Pete Abbott 941-504-9307 or email
Foursome Cost: $400 • Four playing spots + practice balls • Four buffet
Individual Cost: $110 • One playing spot + practice balls • One buffet
Dinner Buffet: $30 Not playing but want to attend dinner?
Register Online: www.sarasotakiwanis.org

Directions to Serenoa Golf Club: I-75 Exit 205 Clark; Go east 7/10 mile; Right on Ibis; Go 2 miles south; Right on Serenoa. 6773 Serenoa Dr, Sarasota, FL 34241; (941) 925-2755; www.serenoagc.com