4:00 - 6:00pm
Historic Buildings Tour and Back Porch Buffet
You're invited to a docent-led tour of Crocker Memorial Church and Bidwell-Wood House with a buffet dinner from Sarasota's historic Broadway Bar served on the back porch.
Hosted by the Historical Society of Sarasota County
Reservations: call 941-364-9076 or email Linda Garcia at hsosc@yahoo.com
Location: Pioneer Park, 1260 12th Street, between US 41 and Cocoanut Avenue.
Free Parking.
$20 advance reservation a must!
Gillespie Round Table, Book Signing and Reception at DAR
Then walk next door and be greeted by a kilted bagpiper and view the small cemetery and historic artifacts in the DAR's collection. The round table will feature special guest author Jeff LaHurd and moderator Clarrisa Thommason. A reception with tea and shortbread follows and Mr. LaHurd will sign copies of his new book, "John Hamilton Gillespie, The Scot Who Saved Sarasota". Hosted by the Sara DeSoto Chapter DAR
Location: Pioneer Park at 1232 12th Street.
Free Parking.
This is a free event.