All events take place in Sarasota, Florida unless otherwise noted
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Monday October 24

Live Music by the Jacobites Bagpipe Band
O'Leary's Tiki Bar and Grill, downtown Sarasota Bayfront and Ringling Blvd. - Free ParkingJoin your friends for a drink to kick off the week of events honoring Gillespie and the Scots Landing and get one of the first signed copies of Jeff LaHurd's book, "John Hamilton Gillespie, The Scot Who Saved Sarasota". Show your support by dressing your dog and yourself in Scottish tartan! Be sure to stay for dinner at O'Leary's or Marina Jack.
Hosted by O'Leary's, Marina Jack, the Owen Burns Committee and The Friends of the Sarasota County History Center
Free Event - Cash Bar
Tuesday October 25

Pioneer Park, 126012th Street, Between US 41 and Cocoanut Avenue, 941-364-9076
Free Parking
Docent led Tours of Crocker Memorial Church and Bidwell-Wood House with a buffet dinner from the Broadway Bar served on the back porch.
Hosted by the Historical Society of Sarasota County
For reservations call 941-364-9076 or email, Linda Garcia - Site Manager
Mailing Address: PO Box 1632, Sarasota, FL 34230
$20 Event - Advance Reservation
6:30 pm - Gillespie Round Table and Reception at DAR
DAR Chapter House in Historic Pioneer Park, 1232 12th Street, 941-953-7955
Free Parking
A kilted bagpiper will pipe for guests to start the evening. The round table will feature special guest Jeff LaHurd and moderator Clarrisa Thommason. A reception with free tea and shortbread follows. Mr. LaHurd will sign copies of his new book, "John Hamilton Gillespie, The Scot Who Saved Sarasota". Attendees are welcome to view historic artifacts at the DAR house.
Hosted by the Sara DeSoto Chapter DAR

Wednesday October 26
4 - 5 pm - Book Signing and Tour Sarasota's History Center Museum
History Center Museum and Sarasota Visitor Information Center
701 North Tamiami Trail - Free Parking
Hosted by The Friends of the Sarasota County History Center
Free Event
Featuring photographs of Sarasota from 1886 – 1926.
William Hartman Gallery, 48 South Palm Avenue, 941-955-4785
Free parking in the Palm Avenue parking garage
Hosted by William Hartman Gallery and Caragiulos Restaurant
Free Event - Cash Bar

5:30 - 7 pm - "Tee Time in Paradise: The Early Years of Sarasota Golf"
Exhibit Opening
Keynote Speaker: Tony Jacklin, Four-Time PGA Tour Winner
Exhibit featuring Gillespie memorabilia; historian Jeff LaHurd will be signing copies of his new book "John Hamilton Gillespie - The Scot Who Saved Sarasota".
Light refreshments will be served.
Bobby Jones Golf Course Clubhouse, 1000 Circus Boulevard - Free ParkingExhibit featuring Gillespie memorabilia; historian Jeff LaHurd will be signing copies of his new book "John Hamilton Gillespie - The Scot Who Saved Sarasota".
Light refreshments will be served.
Hosted by The Sarasota County History Center
Free Event

11:30 am - 7 pm - 1st Annual Kiwanis - John Hamilton Gillespie Charity Golf Tournament
11:30 am - 12:45 pm - Registration and Practice Range
1 pm - Tee-off
5:30 - 7 pm - Dinner Buffet, Prizes and Open Bar
Benefiting the Sarasota Kiwanis Foundation, a 501(c) 3 charitable organization that participates in community improvement projects, provides local community grants and supports Kiwanis International globally.
Registration Online:
Event Sponsorship and More information: contact Pete Abbott 941-504-9307 or email
Serenoa Golf Club, 6773 Serenoa Drive, Sarasota, FL (East of I-75, off Clark Road)
Hosted by the Sarasota Kiwanis Club
All players fees include dinner buffet: Foursome: $400 / Individual: $110
4 - 6 pm - Jeff LaHurd Book Signing of "John Hamilton Gillespie - The Scot Who Saved Sarasota"
Bookstore1, 1359 Main Street
Hosted by Bookstore1
Free Event
Saturday October 29
10am and 1:30pm - Trolley Tours of Gillespie's Sarasota - Advance Ticket Required
Trolley will depart from the corner of South Palm Avenue and Ringling Boulevard
Free parking in the Palm Avenue parking garage
The tour will highlight J.H. Gillespie's contributions to the development of the City of Sarasota with narration by historian Ron McCarty.
For reservations call (941) 953-8727.
Hosted by the Sarasota Alliance for Historic Preservation
$19 Donation
11:30 am - 2 pm - Caledonian Club Heritage Luncheon - Advance Ticket Required
Sara Bay Country Club, 7011 Willow Street, Sarasota, FL 34243, 941-355-7658
Annual luncheon with guest speaker Roddy McDonald, Pipe Major and instructor of bagpiping at the Sarasota Military Academy and winner of the Prince Charles Trophy for musical composition.
For invitations, please call: Ellie Stoll at 941-351-3937
Hosted by the Caledonian Club
$25 Event - Advance Reservation Only
3 - 7 pm - Palm Avenue Street Party
Palm Avenue merchants will remain open, restaurants will serve special menu items in honor of Gillespie and all along the Avenue will feature sidewalk exhibits, vintage cars, tours and food vendors.
Free parking in the North Palm Avenue parking garage
3 - 7 pm - Live Music and Dance
The Jacobites, Florida's premier performing bagpipe and drum band with Scottish Highland dancers
UnEven LaNes, teen band from Pine View School and Sarasota High playing blues, classic and modern rock
Sarasota Music Academy, violin duet
Sarasota School of Arts and Sciences, traditional dance club
Free Event
3 - 7 pm - Photography Exhibition "Gillespie's Sarasota"
Photographs of Sarasota from 1886 – 1926
William Hartman Gallery, 48 South Palm Avenue
Free Event
3 - 5 pm - Tea and Scones and Church of the Redeemer Tour
Complimentary tea and scones will be served in Gillespie Hall, Jeff LaHurd will sign copies of his new book about Colonel Gillespie and Bobby Brader will play Scottish and Victorian ballads on the pianoforte. Tours of the church will be on-going.
Free parking in the Palm Avenue parking garage
Hosted by The Church of the Redeemer
Free Event
5 - 7 pm - Complimentary Scotch Tastings in the Scotch Garden
Caragiulos Restaurant
5:30 pm - Official City of Sarasota Proclamation presented by Mayor Atwell to Rev. Frederick A. Robinson, Church of the Redeemer, at Caragiulos Restaurant
7:30 pm - The Macallan VIP Scotch Whisky Tasting
A very special private tasting of The Macallan Single Malt Portfolio paired with just the right foods including chocolate. Extra special thanks go to the Caragiulo family for arranging this exceptional offering.
Hosts Randolph Adams, Macallan Brand Ambassador, and Paul Caragiulo, Caragiulos Restaurant
12 - 2 pm - Lunch in the Cemetery!
A gourmet box lunch from Derek's Restaurant will be served under the pergola and oak trees. Listen to Jeff LaHurd talk history and Pat Ball talk conservation during this special tour. Rosemary Cemetery, platted in 1886, is a 2-acre National Register of Historic Places district and the burial site of Sarasota pioneers and founders including John Hamilton Gillespie and Owen Burns.
Rosemary Cemetery, 851 Central Avenue
Free street parking on Central and Florida Avenues.
Hosted by Ball Construction
$20 Advance Ticket Required ($3.00 per ticket is tax-deductible)
Make checks payable to: FOSCHC (Friends of the Sarasota County History Center)
Mail to: Deborah Dart, 50 South Palm Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236
Checks must be received no later than Wednesday October 26.
For more information call 941-587-1952.
*Choose one sandwich: roast beef sandwich, grilled chicken salad wrap or Mediterranean vegetable wrap. Please note your menu choice on your check.
Click for Full Menu.
2:30 pm - Walking Tour of Gillespie Park
30-year resident Linda Holland will lead a tour of the charming and diverse historic Gillespie Park neighborhood. The area features a variety of bungalow, cottage and Spanish style homes surrounding the central Gillespie Park, which was given to the City of Sarasota by Owen Burns in 1924 in honor of Mr. Gillespie.
Meet at the Gillespie Park sign on the corner of Osprey Avenue and 7th Street (701 North Osprey)
Free street parking. Water will be provided. Wear comfortable shoes.
Hosted by Linda Holland
Free Event
Street Party scheduled highlights include:
The Jacobites, Florida's premier performing bagpipe and drum band with Scottish Highland dancers
UnEven LaNes, teen band from Pine View School and Sarasota High playing blues, classic and modern rock
Sarasota Music Academy, violin duet
Sarasota School of Arts and Sciences, traditional dance club
Free Event
3 - 7 pm - Photography Exhibition "Gillespie's Sarasota"
Photographs of Sarasota from 1886 – 1926
William Hartman Gallery, 48 South Palm Avenue
Free Event
3 - 5 pm - Tea and Scones and Church of the Redeemer Tour
Complimentary tea and scones will be served in Gillespie Hall, Jeff LaHurd will sign copies of his new book about Colonel Gillespie and Bobby Brader will play Scottish and Victorian ballads on the pianoforte. Tours of the church will be on-going.
Note: this event will replace the annual Rectory Coffee and the October St. Mary's meeting.
Church of the Redeemer, 222 South Palm AvenueFree parking in the Palm Avenue parking garage
Hosted by The Church of the Redeemer

5 - 7 pm - Complimentary Scotch Tastings in the Scotch Garden
Caragiulos Restaurant
5:30 pm - Official City of Sarasota Proclamation presented by Mayor Atwell to Rev. Frederick A. Robinson, Church of the Redeemer, at Caragiulos Restaurant
7:30 pm - The Macallan VIP Scotch Whisky Tasting
A very special private tasting of The Macallan Single Malt Portfolio paired with just the right foods including chocolate. Extra special thanks go to the Caragiulo family for arranging this exceptional offering.
Hosts Randolph Adams, Macallan Brand Ambassador, and Paul Caragiulo, Caragiulos Restaurant
12 - 2 pm - Lunch in the Cemetery!
A gourmet box lunch from Derek's Restaurant will be served under the pergola and oak trees. Listen to Jeff LaHurd talk history and Pat Ball talk conservation during this special tour. Rosemary Cemetery, platted in 1886, is a 2-acre National Register of Historic Places district and the burial site of Sarasota pioneers and founders including John Hamilton Gillespie and Owen Burns.
Rosemary Cemetery, 851 Central Avenue
Free street parking on Central and Florida Avenues.
Hosted by Ball Construction
$20 Advance Ticket Required ($3.00 per ticket is tax-deductible)
Make checks payable to: FOSCHC (Friends of the Sarasota County History Center)
Mail to: Deborah Dart, 50 South Palm Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236
Checks must be received no later than Wednesday October 26.
For more information call 941-587-1952.
*Choose one sandwich: roast beef sandwich, grilled chicken salad wrap or Mediterranean vegetable wrap. Please note your menu choice on your check.
Click for Full Menu.
2:30 pm - Walking Tour of Gillespie Park
30-year resident Linda Holland will lead a tour of the charming and diverse historic Gillespie Park neighborhood. The area features a variety of bungalow, cottage and Spanish style homes surrounding the central Gillespie Park, which was given to the City of Sarasota by Owen Burns in 1924 in honor of Mr. Gillespie.
Meet at the Gillespie Park sign on the corner of Osprey Avenue and 7th Street (701 North Osprey)
Free street parking. Water will be provided. Wear comfortable shoes.
Hosted by Linda Holland
Free Event